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5 Minute HIIT Pilates: November Arms for Autumn

HIIT Pilates combines all the principles from high-intensity interval training and Pilates to:

✔ burn fat

✔ boost metabolism

✔ sculpt/tone

✔ release stress

✔ increase flexibility

For November, we’re focusing on strong and sexy arms. Summer is over, but why not sculpt and tone your arms so they look fab in a tight fall long-sleeved shirt? Aside from vanity, having a strong upper body helps to improve posture and to efficiently transfer energy from your body to your legs.

As always, feel free to reverse the order of the workout if you want to tackle HIIT first.

Are you ready?


Here’s the November breakdown:


Tricep Dips (5 reps)

Reverse Tabletop with optional leg raises (3 sets)

Forearm to Hand Planks (3 sets)

Tricep Push-ups (3 reps)

Chaturanga Push-ups (12 reps)

Side Plank with arm pulses (3 slow pulses, 5 fast pulses)

Swimming (5-8 counts)

Goal Post to Extension (5 sets)

Goal Post Pulses (8-10 reps)

Straight Arm Pulses (8-10 reps)


Push-ups to Side Plank (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - repeat 2x)

Plank to Pike Jumps (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - repeat 2x) was it? Feel free to share your workouts and process in social! #5minhiitpilates



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